Videos on Millican Baby Girl Born on November-9-1997 at Akron General Medical Center

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 7. NWO-CIA-DEM Top Hole-and-corner Armed services Missions in Ukraine, Fort Detrick, Sigonella, Wuhan, Modena


Pentagon centers for bacteriological warfare
in Georgia and Ukraine after the colored coups
Due north American's research on CoronaVirus in 2007
Mysterious accidents in Fort Detrick'southward biochemical activity
Suspects on US troops in Wuhan for the 2019 Games
Cremations hushful by Ground forces in Emilia without any autopsy

past Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


Information technology is disturbing to detect that all the about important research on bacteriological weapons financed and coordinated past the Pentagon have adult above all in two countries, Georgia and Ukraine, which have become a colony of the The states thanks to the colored revolutions which the Open Lodge's financier George Soros took all credit for.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World Order Prophecy

This happened precisely in the years when the "queen" of the intelligence of the Dems, Avril Haines, was working at the top of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security of the White Firm, before predicting, with exceptional prophetic talents, the pandemic for pathogen infectious, during a conference in 2018 and then during the suspected exercise on the fake emergency for CoronaVirus on October 2019 in New York.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 6. Prophecy on Pandemic and NWO by Obama-Biden CIA'south Queen

These searches were carried out (just keep because certain Pentagon'south mechanisms once set in motion proceed virtually apart) in the republic of Kiev especially later on the coup openly supported and financed by Washington during the Government of the former Democratic President Barack Obama and his deputy Joe Biden, ended upward in the sights for the shady diplomacy of his son Hunter, implicated together with the "pupil" of the Secretary of Country John Kerry in the most important Ukrainian energy company Burisma with licenses for extraction of gas and oil in Donbass, the Russian-speaking region since 2014 cut down from an nigh forgotten Civil War.

Pandemic Bio-Weapon – 9. Supervirus Created past The states during Obama'southward Govt: 89 CoVid Strains in CIA's Top Underground Tests

As we have highlighted in previous reports Obama was also the proponent of the immunization pilot plan "imposed" on Italy by the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), with the vaccines of the British GlaxoSmithKline, participated past the American investment funds of the Weapons' Lobby and by Bill Gates, first prophet of the pandemic in 2015.

The ten mandatory vaccines project was implemented in 2017 (Lorenzin Prescript) by former Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, ally of Soros and today European Commissioner, in accordance with the wishes of the Democratic Party.


It should be remembered that the PD government was born with Matteo Renzi who, past another arcane coincidence, became premier with the blessing of the former Usa president on Feb 22, 2014, exactly the same day on which Viktor Ianukovich, Russian-freindly president of Ukraine, legitimately elected, he was forced to flee from the coup in the warp square even with sniper shots on the crowd that caused 104 deaths.

This happened with a shootout like to that attributed to a clandestine CIA operation in Caracas in 2002, when the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Chavez was afterward arrested past the American special wards, later released with the arbitration of the local cardinal for the massive counter-revolution of the population loyal to him.


Among the victims of the massacre in Maidan square in Ukraine of 20 February 2014 at that place were 87 demonstrators merely also 17 policemen demonstrating that the mysterious assassins were certainly not of the government police, every bit instead claimed by the revolutionaries.

During the protests the rioters were piloted by Sail (the Belgrade center of the airtight fist Otpor created past the CIA in Belgrade during the Balkan war) who on their official website openly boast of that coup as well as that in Georgia (Roses' Revolution, 2003). As ascertained by an Italian state of war reporter, some of those snipers were actually of Georgian nationality…

HONG KONG: Usa-CANVAS MOLOTOV' PACIFISTS: campus and subway burning, homo set on burn, lawmaker stabbed

There are indeed more and more coincidences that would horrify Leroy Jethro Gibbs, the legendary federal agent of the successful Goggle box series NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) for which "coincidences practice not exist".

What does all this have to do with SARS-Cov-2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome as the current pandemic was renamed which in Italy reached a mortality of eight% bringing the dead to over five,400 in the final few hours?

Firstly, information technology highlights that the so-called Deep International Land, the hidden Masonic, financial, political and armed forces entity, recently unveiled and "lauded" by a former CIA director of Dem extraction, does not pose any major problems to cause "man collateral damage" t o pursue its geopolitical goals.

Secondly, perhaps nosotros will never know …

Because a latest armed services performance conducted with maximum secrecy protocols is erasing the traces of whatever possible connection between the bacteriological research developed past "contractors" of the Pentagon, headquarters of the Department of Defense in Washington, and the violent pandemic that broke out in Italia…


The latest mysterious operations are the mass cremations of the CoVid-19 deaths managed by the Italian Ground forces for the emergency situation in Lombardy and peculiarly in Bergamo, without start carrying out those autopsies necessary to reveal the viral genomic identity.

In Wuhan, scientists carried out necropsies on some of the deceased and discovered two genotypes of the CoronaVirus: the "S" of intense morbidity but very low bloodshed and the "50" very aggressive, with very high infectivity and lethality, resulting in a "reshaping" of the previous caused from man intervention: co-ordinate to the hypothesis of doctors for the consequent therapies, co-ordinate to those of intelligence analysts for a previous "modeling".

The abstruse from the commodity published in the National Science Review

Scientific investigations should focus on this principal "track" but all Italian doctors, 4,000 of whom have been infected, are too busy facing the challenges with overcrowded hospitals of people positive for CoVid-19 and therefore the sample autopsies conducted and so far are a number infinitesimal and insignificant. While in the Defence sector…

«Mouths sewn» is the only comment that a civil protection operator on the field today, a old military officer with long experience of missions abroad and trained for emergencies from NBCR (Nuclear Bacteriological Chemical and Radiological) attacks, adds later reporting the indiscretion that in the crematoriums there would fifty-fifty be "group cremations". Since it is not allowed to inquire questions to the Commissioner for Emergency during the daily printing conferences of the Civil Protection in Rome, this and other doubts remain open.

Up to now two armed forces columns have left the province of Bergamo, escorted by the Carabinieri with a dozen trucks to behave out a first transport of 60 coffins on March eighteen to the crematorium of Modena and another of 70 on March 21 to that of Ferrara. Other subsequent trips with the dead to be cremated were made in Piedmont to the Serravalle Scrivia, Trecate and Domodossola plants. Patently the relatives of the victims were prevented from seeing them and celebrating the funeral rites for the emergency decrees on the risk of infection.

«In Lombardy in that location are many factors that contribute to these information: the average age, the population density- We must see this virus as an opportunist: earlier declaring the dead, information technology is important to exercise an autopsy and be able to say what died the patient» higlighted virologist Maria Rita Gismondo, only, equally said, doctors and health facilities are just enough to bargain with the emergencies of the living who come to the Emergency Department oft already in the Xanthous Code for severe respiratory failure.


But we see in a rapid journeying all the suspicious military missions among which the search and diffusion of the increasingly likely bio-weapon could nest. To do this, we accept upward again the investigation of the Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, the one who discovered the weapons delivered by the CIA to the ISIS of their friend Al Baghdadi, which nosotros mentioned in our start report of February iv in reference to bio-genetic bacteriological weapons, or rather able to target a specific ethnic grouping in a more virulent way than another: just as it is happening in Italy and Iran …

Journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva who discovered the CIA artillery trade for ISIS terrorists

«US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Programme (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such equally Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East asia and Africa» journalist reported pointing out at to the lowest degree 25 research centers that, instead, according to Russian intelligence would instead be at least a hundred.

Among the first to end up nether the lens of all the media in the world, it was the most famous: the Pentagon Lugar Center in Georgia. Information technology is located simply 17 km from the U.s. military air base Vaziani in the capital Tbilisi. Included in the military program are biologists from the US Regular army Medical Research Unit of measurement-Georgia (USAMRU-Thousand) together with private contractors. The level 3 bio-safe laboratory is only attainable to US citizens with a condom authorisation. They are granted diplomatic immunity.

CoronaVirus – ane. "IT'Southward BIO-WEAPON". United states of america Expert blames China only forgets 25 Pentagon's Cloak-and-dagger Labs for "Ethnic Attacks"

We spoke in ii previous reports of this and the DoD'south Defense for Threats Reduction Bureau (DTRA) which represents the ingenious "diaphragm" between the Pentagon, a government subject subject to national and international laws, and the "contractors", or private companies that based on privacy on industrial patents and constraints on military secrecy can operate beyond whatsoever political control. Among the American companies that have been working at Lugar for years, the best known are iii: CH2M Colina, Metabiota and Battelle.

«In addition to the Pentagon, these private contractors perform biological research for the CIA and various other government agencies» added the Bulgarian reporter as well referring to the DARPA (Defense Avant-garde Research Projects Bureau) which in 2014 launched a specific sector of experimentation on bacteriological weapons called Biological Technologies Office (BTO), inside which the project "Insect Allies" was adult, officially to exploit them, through genetic bioengineering modifications, in the fight confronting agricultural pests, but not only: co-ordinate to some experts.

The Pentagon has invested at least $65 1000000 in gene editing. The DARPA has awarded 7 research teams to develop tools for genome applied science in insects, rodents and leaner under DARPA'south Condom Factor program, using a novel CRISPR-Cas9 technology.

«However, a group of well-respected, independent scientists revealed in a scathing analysis of the program that, far from a "defensive" research projection, the Insect Allies program was aimed at creating and delivering "new class of biological weapon." The scientists, writing in the journal Science and led past Richard Guy Reeves, from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany, warned that DARPA's program — which uses insects as the vehicle for as horizontal environmental genetic amending agents (HEGAAS) — revealed "an intention to develop a ways of delivery of HEGAAs for offensive purposes (emphasis added)» specified the American counter-information site UNZ.

We will analyze to a higher place all the activity of Battelle considering it is involved in a CIA project and indirectly involved in a very suspicious incident which occurred on a US military base concluding July.


«Battelle as a $59 million subcontractor at Lugar Eye has extensive experience in enquiry on bio-agents, as the company has already worked on the US Bio-weapons Program nether 11 previous contracts with the Usa Ground forces (1952-1966)» Gaytandzhieva points out in 2018 dossier republished past Nature.

«The individual company performs piece of work for the Pentagon's DTRA bio laboratories in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, Armenia, Georgia, Republic of uganda, Tanzania, Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. Battelle conducts research, evolution, testing, and evaluation using both highly toxic chemicals and highly pathogenic biological agents for a wide range of US regime agencies. It has been awarded some $two billion federal contracts in total and ranks 23 on the Top 100 US government contractors list».

Battelle Memorial Institute from 1997 to 2000 started the Clear Vision Projection together with the CIA to rebuild and test a Soviet-era anthrax projectile and verify the possible spread of this and other bio-agents by bombers..

«The clandestine CIA-Battelle operation was omitted from the US Biological Weapons Convention declarations submitted to the Un» supports the report.

Battelle has operated a Summit Undercover Bio laboratory (National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center – NBACC) at Fort Detrick, Maryland nether a US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract for the last decade. The company has been awarded a $344.four meg federal contract (2006 – 2016) and some other $17.3 million contract (2015 -2026) past DHS.

This is precisely the time when the "CIA prophetess" of the current pandemic, Avil Haines, was deputy White Business firm National Security Counselor. And information technology is precisely hither that the starting time surprise following the Bulgarian journalist'south investigation arrives.

U.s.a. Regular army Medical Research Constitute of Infectious Diseases in Fort Detrick (Maryland)

«It is also important to indicate out the fact that the U.Due south. war machine's key laboratories involving the study of deadly pathogens, including coronaviruses, Ebola and others, was of a sudden shut down last July afterwards the Centre for Affliction Control and Prevention (CDC) identified major "biosafety lapses" at the facility» we read in a recent UNZ article well-nigh a circumstance reported by many other media including Veterans Today in recent days.

«The U.Southward. Ground forces Medical Research Constitute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland — the U.S. military machine's atomic number 82 laboratory for "biological defense" inquiry since the late 1960s — was forced to halt all research information technology was conducting with a series of mortiferous pathogens after the CDC found that it lacked "sufficient systems in place to decontaminate wastewater" from its highest-security labs and failure of staff to follow prophylactic procedures, amongst other lapses. The facility contains both level three and level 4 biosafety labs. While it is unknown if experiments involving coronaviruses were ongoing at the time, USAMRIID has recently been involved in research borne out of the Pentagon'southward recent concern about the employ of bats equally bioweapons».

Information technology should not be forgotten that the bat (together with the mongoose) was suspected by scientists of being the carrier of SARS-CoV-2 from animals to humans, evidently earlier Chinese chemists discovered the existence not merely of the strange protein "S modeled" but also the double genotype of the virus…

«The determination to close down USAMRIID garnered surprisingly little media coverage, equally did the CDC's surprising decision to allow the troubled facility to "partially resume" research late concluding November even though the facility was and is still non at "total operational capability." The USAMRIID's problematic record of condom at such facilities is of particular business organisation in lite of the recent coronavirus outbreak in China. Equally this report will before long reveal, this is considering USAMRIID has a decades-old and close partnership with the University of Wuhan's Institute of Medical Virology» outbreak of the first epidemic explosion, which now seems nigh totally overcome in the country.


The correlations between the two countries are more than than you lot might imagine: among them there was a study conducted by the Beijing Ministry building of Science which led to the discovery of 89 bat CoronaVirus strains in collaboration with the USAID agency (the government agency for aid to developing countries which often finances political movements for regime change every bit happened in Syrian arab republic and Venezuela) the CIA, the Pentagon and the Plant of Wellness and Man Services in Washington.


An Arab Facebook user recently posted a video in French that went viral (and later blocked past FB) raising suspicions nigh a European patent from the Pasteur National Enquiry Center of the Diderot University of Paris apropos a "new strain of CoronaVirus associated with Sars" filed equally early as 2004. But the controversy was unfounded because information technology referred to enquiry for the vaccine on the first SARS that hit China and other countries in 2003 but "merely" 814 deaths against the more than xv g of the current SARS two pandemic.

Research patents of the United states Regime and Gsk and the initial ane of the Pasteur Institute of Paris spread over the first type of Sars

Yet, it is important to annotation that amongst the first to develop those studies also aimed at new "applications" were the US Section of Wellness (HHS) filing an American registration and the usual giant of the GlaxoSmithKline vaccines. The European patent was curiously "reactivated" on March 20, 2020, probably in the context of enquiry against CoVid-19.

Championship page of the patent registered past the United states Section of Health in 2007 (pdf file available on asking by email)

It is still the Bulgarian reporter who recalls that «Numerous studies accept been performed under the DTRA Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) in a search for mortiferous pathogens of war machine importance in bats».

One of these is precisely that on the large viral strain of CoronaVirus, which includes simple flu but also SARS and its "cousin" MERS, the Middle Eastern Astute Repiratory Syndrome which in June 2017 killed 699 and infected 1,980 people in 15 countries.

«MERS-CoV is i of the viruses that accept been engineered by the U.s.a. and studied past the Pentagon, besides every bit Influenza and SARS. Confirmation of this do is   Obama's 2014 temporary ban on regime funding for such "dual-utilize" research. The moratorium was lifted in 2017 and experiments accept continued. Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens (PPPs) experiments are legal in the US» reporter points out in reference to the Statute of The International Criminal Court (ICC) in Rome which instead forbids them in commodity viii simply has never been signed by the Northward American authorities.

Exactly in 2015, withal, a new study on the Corona Virus, officially to prevent avian bronchitis in chickens, was started by the Pirbright Institute in the U.k. and then registered in 2018 with a U.S. patent, every bit specified in the first Gospa News report on epidemic.

Well, among the funders of the research center in that location is over again the Neb & Melinda Gates Foundation, sponsor of the Dems and Obama, but above all of the research on the new CoVid-19 vaccine of the Australian Queensland University in collaboration with the usual GSK.

CoronaVirus BIO-ARMA – 3. VACCINO D'ORO GSK. Big Pharma partner di Nib Gates, Pentagono e Lobby Sionista Usa

There would be much to write about the suspicious episodes betwixt the US and China, including two arrests which, nevertheless, did not lead to ascertaining with certainty the purposes of the illegal actions. Equally Veterans Today recalled on January 28, Professor Charles Lieber, president of the Harvard Department of Chemical Biology, is arrested for leading a Chinese research team focused on using nanotechnology to place viruses.

In December 2019, a Chinese medical researcher, Zheng Zaosong, of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Middle, was instead stopped past the FBI special amanuensis Kara Spice who found him in possession of 21 ampoules containing a "brown liquid" that seemed to be " biological fabric "taken from a Boston laboratory. His research friend admitted that other comrades had managed to bring samples to China: it is not known whether for biogenetic studies on American samples or if by sabotage.


In the same month, however, something even more than sensational occurred between Egypt and Italy when the Naval Medical Resarch Unit of measurement, called NAMRU 3, was transferred from the celebrated Cairo base where it operated since 1946 at the Naval Air Station of Sigonella, believed to be the main military station of the CIA non but in Sicily but throughout Italy.

NAMRU3 is the US Navy department that conducts enquiry and experiments on viral or bacterial pathogens that can infect American troops. But according to an article of 27 Jan 2012 in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Wafd information technology would be a small laboratory of horrors …

«When you pass next to the large NAMRU headquarters located in the Al-Abbasia district, in the heart of Cairo with its gate reinforced with iron and concrete, the wide infinite of apartment land that surrounds it, the security cameras and the loftier walls that protect information technology, one cannot fail to suspect the neat importance of what is inside this building. Unit researchers and American doctors savour diplomatic immunity. In fact, some of them vest to the CIA» wrote the Arab newspaper.

«Since the founding of the NAMRU unit in Egypt, dozens of new and changed viral diseases take been discovered. This may lead to suspicion that these pathogens are imported. No medical enquiry institute has infiltrated Egypt to a greater extent than NAMRU, which controls the secrets of viruses used in mass devastation and biological weapons»

In confirmation of this, Al-Wafd recalls that Federal democratic republic of ethiopia had decided to close the NAMRU unit of measurement on its territory, due to accusations and suspicions about its activeness, which instead had been expanded in Egypt post-obit an agreement with the Health Ministry and with the Hospital of the Fevers of Abbassia.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 5. Cardinal Blames: "A Rich State Sowed This Poison. UN must Investigate"

«Already in 1976, the Egyptian public became aware of the name NAMRU on the occasion of an outbreak of meningitis in Arab republic of egypt». The The states Navy Medical Research Unit offered to collaborate with Abbassia Hospital but the studies on the victims remained top secret because 50 of the 857 infected died right after the intervention of the American doctors with the administration of a medicine that acquired side effects. Were human guinea pigs unaware?

«In 2006 the NAMRU sparked another scandal, which subsided with suspicious rapidity. An American delegation from NAMRU visited the headquarters of Al-'Abbasia hospital, and bird flu was discovered several days after [in Egypt]. Egyptian doctors were able to eliminate [the illness] almost completely inside half-dozen months, but then Maher Abaza [a powerful oligarch handcuffed with Mubarak – ed.) Was appointed agronomics government minister and decided, without reason to suspend the interest of the Egypt to manage the virus in exchange for a contract with NAMRU-3. Later, the Egyptians were hit by an untreatable mutant of the avian flu virus. This mutant virus appeared afterward NAMRU received [blood] samples from Egyptian patients, who were sent to the United States».

On July 2019, the command of the Naval Medical Research Unit of measurement No. iii (NAMRU-iii) stationed in Cairo (Egypt) from the Second Globe War took function in the big Sicilian air and naval base by temporarily occupying building no. 318, awaiting the start of the renovation and expansion of Building No. 303 to NAS 1 (the oldest station in Sigonella, for United states employ only). The move was completed in December and the unit of measurement became operational in Feb.

Naval Air Station of Sigonella at the "Cosimo Di Palma" airport of the Italian Air Force in Lentini (Syracuse)

«To engagement information technology is non possible to know if and when the sudden motility was authorized past the executive and why Parliament was non informed despite the political-strategic and "scientific" relevance of the U.s.a. unit, straight dependent on the Naval Medical Research Centre of The states Navy and Marine Corps, based in Silver Spring, Maryland» blogger Antonio Mazzeo rightly alarmed.

The US Air Force Global Militarist RQ-4 giant drones accept besides been deployed in the same location. The attention of the Veterans Today site has focused on them which reported the agonizing indiscretion from foreign intelligence sources that the biological assail in Italy would have been made more lethal than elsewhere for an interaction of the virus with a nerve chemic agent, the terrible Sarin gas, used in microdoses so equally not to brand information technology detectable.

We report this information for completeness of information even if NBCR medical experts operating in emergency rooms in Italian hospitals to bargain with the epidemic take not detected similar symptoms on patients and have confirmed that at the moment, in the MaxiEmergency stage, only the bacteriological health protocol.


Just let's go back to Ukraine in the years post-obit the Orangish Revolution insurrection promoted past Soros, the primary financier of the media propaganda of November 2013 together with the US and Uk embassies just also of the Democratic Party for which he has already subscribed for a super contribution of 5.i one thousand thousand dollars in the Political Action Commission (PAC) even before knowing who will be the candidate to win the primaries.

UkraineGate: islamic reporter funded past Obama-Biden and Soros in 2014 insurrection, now at the top of weapon's industry

At the moment the race sees Joe Biden as his favorite, known for the direct management of military and public security funding to Ukraine and repeatedly called into question by various dossiers in the context of the impeachment against the current President Donald Trump on the UkraineGate for which the former CIA manager thanked the Deep Land.

«Among the fix of bilateral agreements between the US and Ukraine is the establishment of the Science and Engineering science Center in Ukraine (STCU) – an International organization funded mainly past the The states authorities which has been accorded diplomatic status. The STCU officially supports projects of scientists previously involved in the Soviet biological weapons program. Over the by 20 years the STCU has invested over $285 one thousand thousand in funding and managing some one,850 projects of scientists who previously worked on the evolution of weapons of mass devastation» highlighted Bulagarian reporter.

UKRAINEGATE: an investigative "memo" accuses Joe Biden and John Kerry too. Reopened the enquiry

«One of the Pentagon laboratories is located in Kharkiv, where in Jan 2016 at least 20 Ukrainian soldiers died from Influenza-like virus in only ii days with 200 more than existence hospitalized. The Ukrainian authorities did not report on the expressionless Ukrainian soldiers in Kharkiv. Every bit of March 2016 364 deaths have been reported beyond Ukraine (81.3 % caused by Swine Flu A (H1N1) pdm09 – the aforementioned strain which caused the world pandemic in 2009). Co-ordinate to DPR intelligence information the U.s. bio lab in Kharkiv leaked the deadly virus. Law investigate infection with incurable disease».

A highly suspicious Hepatitis A infection spread quickly in just few months across Southward E Ukraine where most of the Pentagon biolabs are located.

The list of viral infections could continue with cases of cholera (2011, 2014 and 2015) and hepatitis A (2017). While a strange epidemic of Congo-Crimean Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHFV) appeared in Afghanistan after the launch of the Cooperative Biological Commitment Plan (CBEP) of the DTRA agency with various contractors connected to the Lugar Center of Georgia.

CIA Middle East main, Soleimani Killer and Bin Laden Hunter, dead on Jet in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan. Tasnim & Mirror told afterward VT & Gospa News

Coincidences such as the 1 for which an American spy airplane, the Northrop Grumman E-11A Bomber, crashed in the region of Gazni, in which would also have died the CIA commander in the Heart Eastward, Mike D'Andrea, nicknamed Dark Prince, a few weeks before the CoVid-19 pandemic spread to Iran subsequently spreading to China.

Transitional islamic state of afghanistan: Pentagon Confirmed Dead Airmen's Identity. Pilot worked for Intelligence CIA

The conditional on the death of Langley'due south counterintelligence officer remains as the Pentagon but confirmed the death of the two pilots, i of whom was certainly CIA operative, just denied the being of a coiffure every bit if the surveillance aircraft had none despite sophisticated electronic machinery to manage …


Only the coincidences are starting to be too many. Like the 1 already mentioned in the previous article on the Wuhan World Military Games in which an American delegation took function in Oct 2019, while the former CIA deputy managing director Avril Haines in New York participated in the simulated exercise on the pandemic past CoronaVirus funded and prophesied in the 2015 by Neb Gates.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 4. PANDEMIC! As Predicted in Beak Gates forum (video) with ex-CIA. Italy and Iran Massacred in Bio-Warfare for their A.I. Deal

«The American team did and then desperately that they were called "Soy Sauce Soldiers" by the Chinese. In fact, many never attended whatsoever events and remained close to the Huanan seafood wholesale market, where the disease was said to have originated just a few days subsequently the United states left the area» Veterans Today wrote that information technology was a fake team.

The American military machine team returned home on Oct 28, 2019 and, within 2 weeks (just the viral incubation flow), the get-go cases of human contact with COVID 19 were ascertained in Wuhan. The Chinese were unable to find patient zilch and they therefore suspected that it was an American military officer officially asking the US for information on their first infection.

But if you want to give credit to the theory of the virus spread with nano-drones by CIA agents secret, reported in the previous article on the footing of intelligence information, it is clear that the concept of the "patient" goose egg is overcome by an artificial spread that could have been implemented in large area with the x cm UAV Black Hornet three already widely used in NATO armies as a spy vehicle or with DragonflEye, the cyber-dragonflies genetically modified and remotely controlled with lite which can also carry micro-cameras or small payloads such as viral micro-capsules. Or be the same "allied insects" of the Pentagon's research of pathogenic germs…

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 2. Intel sources: «Spread by CIA with nano-Uav» every bit Cyber-DragonflEye. Alert in Iran and Italia

It doesn't have to await like science fiction because these nano-drones are projects that the CIA had been studying since the afar 1970 and the very minor size of the kits tin easily fit in a shoes box, without infections risk of virus managing: they are therefore very easy to hibernate especially when a sports delegation arrives in a foreign country…

If the hypothetical dispersion of the bacteriological weapon in Iran can be explained by the American operations in Afghanistan, besides confirmed past the shooting down of the airplane deemed the flight command of the Fundamental Intelligence Agency, that in Italy does not fifty-fifty need technical explanations since the secret agents of the US counter-intelligence accept full liberty of movement and the armed forces departments tin can even transfer a sophisticated unit of biological doctors and scientific researchers from Africa to Sicily without the Italian Parliament even discussing it.

UKRAINEGATE, CIA-DEEP STATE'S PLOT Against TRUMP with two whistleblowers and Italian ties

The clues of a coordinated military activeness by biological warfare with the DEEP STATE and CIA, wich have been traveling hand in manus for the aforementioned admission of its leaders equally at the time of the P2-Gladio-Stay Behind operation, are now macroscopic. According to Veterans Today, the Israeli counter-intelligence of the infamous Mossad of Tel Aviv, a fundamental partner of the geopolitical strategies of the Zionists in the field of state of war and weapons, could have played a role in the conspiracy.


This would also explain the haste and secrecy with which the corpsens of Italian victims are cremated without lingering on autopsies: the only potential testify of any bio-genetic viral weapons.

What remains to be ascertained is whether Republican President Donald Trump, today in great difficulty in view of the elections due to the emergency that caused over 200 deaths in the United states, or his predecessor, was enlightened of this hypothetical devilish program fifty-fifty more permeated by the spectrum of the New World Social club. And, in example, even if their equivalent in Rome had been fabricated aware of it …

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorisation


















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